Original Equipment Manufactured versus Generic Parts: An Auto Parts Blog

Hi, my name is Stan, and I want to welcome you to my blog. I love working on cars, and I have worked on them since I was a little kid working alongside my dad. Over the years, I have seen vehicles grow more complicated, and I have also seen a range of parts manufacturers enter the market. Some of them make amazing parts while others make parts that aren't quite as good as original manufacturer parts. If you want to learn about the differences between generic and original parts or if you have other questions on auto parts, this blog has the answers you need. Please get comfortable and start exploring.

A Few Tips for Protecting Your Vehicle's Turbo Booster


A turbo booster or turbocharger is an engine accessory that compresses air before sending it to the engine; when air is compressed, more of it can reach the engine, and more air in the cylinders will cause the engine to also bring in more fuel. This creates added combustion, so an engine is then stronger and faster. Turbo boosters are often added to diesel engines, as these types of engines are not known for their speed, or they can give a car more pickup from a full stop. If you have a turbo booster in your vehicle, you might note a few tips for protecting it, and for protecting your engine as well.


A turbo booster may create added heat in the engine compartment, and oil helps cool the engine, but low-quality oil that is old and contaminated may not sufficiently protect the engine or the turbo booster. While regular oil changes and the use of high-quality oil is important for any vehicle engine, it's even more important to use an oil with the right viscosity for your engine type and standard climate, and to ensure you have that oil changed regularly when you have a turbo booster installed in your car.

Also, never race the engine when starting it, as you want to ensure the oil reaches the turbo booster first, and has gotten warm enough to properly coat its internal parts. Let your vehicle's engine warm up from a slow idle when starting it, to protect the turbo.

Don't flood the engine

When the engine's turbo booster kicks in, the fuel pump will naturally bring in the petrol needed to maintain that healthy balance of air and fuel, so that combustion can be maintained. In turn, you don't need to flood the engine with gas in order to get the response you want from the turbo booster. Flooding the engine might simply overwhelm it with fuel and oxygen, which can actually make it work harder to keep combustion healthy. Let the turbo booster do its work in elevating the engine's performance and this will ensure the engine doesn't get overly warm, and that you don't waste fuel.

Use the gears

If you're driving up or down steep grades, it's good to use the gears of the car rather than relying just on the turbo booster for the power the engine needs. This will spread out the wear and tear your vehicle will suffer across the engine, the turbo booster, and the transmission, so that the turbo booster alone isn't working to provide that added power.

For more information, contact a local expert in turbo accessories.


27 April 2018